DevsHouse '25

DevsHouse '25


Hack it. Own it. Build it

NOTE - All Team Members have to submit this form with 1 idea 1 PPT and all have to submit the same.

DevsHouse ‘25 is a national level physical hackathon in which students from various colleges from across the country will be participating. We intend to carry it out utilizing a variety of tech stacks that are innovative in nature.

As a part of the hackathon, participants will have 36 hours of hacking time to brainstorm and develop creative solutions to challenges in the real world during this 48-hour event. This hackathon aims to foster invention, teamwork, and collaboration.

Eligibility Criteria:

1.Submission of ideas must strictly adhere to the provided template for the PPT: DevsHouse PPT
2. Participants should form a team with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 members.

  1. All participants need to submit their idea, as part of a team, only then their team shall be considered.

Submission Rules

  1. Round 1 will be conducted entirely online.
  2. Participants are required to submit their ideas for any problem statement within the domains before the deadline of February 23rd.
  3. Participants should adhere to the submission template found on Devfolio.
  4. The selected teams should RSVP within 2 days of the Round 1 result announcement by (March 9th). The team will not be considered for the finals if not RSVPed.
  5. Participants who are shortlisted for Round 2 should develop their solution only during the offline round. The days can be used for planning their solution, researching existing solutions, etc., but the core development should take place during the hackathon only.
  6. Participants should not bring existing projects from previous hackathons. If found without prior disclosure, the team will be disqualified.
  7. The duration for the on-site Hackathon is 36 hours, and power supply/internet connection for the participants will be provided.
  8. A Jury Panel consisting of external judges, sponsors and tech experts will be assigned to judge the idea based on standard metrics of innovation, implementation, impact factor, feasibility, and presentation.
  9. Jury Panel Decision is Final.
  10. Members can be from different colleges, provided they are pursuing engineering.
  11. Team changing or shuffling will not be entertained.


Follow the Code of Conduct.

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Hack it. Own it. Build it

Runs from

Apr 4 - 6, 2025


Chennai, India

Closes in


NOTE - All Team Members have to submit this form with 1 idea 1 PPT and all have to submit the same.

DevsHouse ‘25 is a national level physical hackathon in which students from various colleges from across the country will be participating. We intend to carry it out utilizing a variety of tech stacks that are innovative in nature.

As a part of the hackathon, participants will have 36 hours of hacking time to brainstorm and develop creative solutions to challenges in the real world during this 48-hour event. This hackathon aims to foster invention, teamwork, and collaboration.

Eligibility Criteria:

1.Submission of ideas must strictly adhere to the provided template for the PPT: DevsHouse PPT
2. Participants should form a team with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 members.

  1. All participants need to submit their idea, as part of a team, only then their team shall be considered.

Submission Rules

  1. Round 1 will be conducted entirely online.
  2. Participants are required to submit their ideas for any problem statement within the domains before the deadline of February 23rd.
  3. Participants should adhere to the submission template found on Devfolio.
  4. The selected teams should RSVP within 2 days of the Round 1 result announcement by (March 9th). The team will not be considered for the finals if not RSVPed.
  5. Participants who are shortlisted for Round 2 should develop their solution only during the offline round. The days can be used for planning their solution, researching existing solutions, etc., but the core development should take place during the hackathon only.
  6. Participants should not bring existing projects from previous hackathons. If found without prior disclosure, the team will be disqualified.
  7. The duration for the on-site Hackathon is 36 hours, and power supply/internet connection for the participants will be provided.
  8. A Jury Panel consisting of external judges, sponsors and tech experts will be assigned to judge the idea based on standard metrics of innovation, implementation, impact factor, feasibility, and presentation.
  9. Jury Panel Decision is Final.
  10. Members can be from different colleges, provided they are pursuing engineering.
  11. Team changing or shuffling will not be entertained.

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Available in Prizes


Available in Prizes










Team size

2 - 4

Registration costs?


Team size

2 - 4

Registration costs?


Got more questions? Reach out to [email protected]


Team size

2 - 4

Registration costs?


Team size

2 - 4

Registration costs?


Got more questions? Reach out to [email protected]

Hacker reviews


No reviews for this rating yet.


No Restrictions

+100 participating







No Restrictions

+500 participating



Starts 27/02/25


No Restrictions

+1000 participating



Starts 21/02/25


No Restrictions



Starts 11/07/25